Relationship with yourself matters a lot... but it is neglected most of the time.. If this relationship gets distorted, the miserable 'You' suffers. Having a healthy inner dialogue with oneself can bring peace and harmony.
Relationship with others is subjected to external variables. It varies with favorable and unfavorable conditions. People may come and go from your life. But person who remains with you for life time is 'You'. So relationship with yourself has to be stronger.
You go through ups and downs. External world keeps on changing. Today is not same as yesterday. Today has to be new with freshness. Even sky colors are not same every day. They vary. So, ups and downs are not same. You will have an excellent career on one day and on the other it may be blown away. People who were hostile to you sometimes may become closer to you or vice versa. So, constantly keeping good relationship with yourself matters a lot. In difficult times, it will help you through self-acceptance and being easy on yourself. In good times, you will be conscious not to get carried away. It will keep you grounded to your roots.
People with good relationship with oneself never get bored. They have their own company.They constantly try to improve themselves. They try out different things. Life doesn't become stagnant for them.
How can you enhance relationship with yourself? Spending time alone to analyze yourself.. not judging anything but following self-acceptance! If there is something you can work on to improve on yourself then trying to act on that. Having any kind of hobby, which is closer to your heart also helps a lot. Cherishing one hobby and giving it ample amount of time helps. It brings inner joy and peace. One should do the things that one loves. This is not true just for writing sake . It is something which should be acted upon constantly by motivating to do the things that you love.
If this relationship with yourself not going well and you constantly blame yourself for the things which are going wrong, answer will be TIME... Give yourself time...Spend time with inner God and creator of this world.. Things will change...
At last, today is not same as yesterday and tomorrow will not be same as today.. Keep relationship with yourself healthy.. It matters a lot!